I've decided to re-visit my plan to take a picture a day and write about it. This is a slight deviation from the original "rules" that I stated regarding taking a picture of something that says 'peace' to me because I am now working from a pre-determined list of what to shoot. I have set a calendar that has a idea for each day and I find something that fits the bill. Not quite the same freedom I allowed myself before. However.... I still think I can find the peace within this process based on what is in the photo and how it makes me feel. I have this idea that somewhere within that thought lies the opportunity to discover my peace, as was my original plan.
Today's theme is 'something green'. Awesome! I love green. It's my favorite color. I love the color of the leaves on the trees. The bright green of fresh cut grass. Moss. Green can even be seen in water.
Oops. I forgot to mention, its January in Minnesota. Not a lot of green to be found. Yes, pine trees are green. Boring. I'm not a fan of them and am allergic besides, so that is a no. Money is green. Christmas was 2 weeks ago so I don't have any of that! Some of my decorations (yes, they are still up) are green but I really don't want to use those to start.
I decide to turn to the fridge to find some consolation. Hey! I haven't eaten yet today, and I deserve breakfast! There is my green. No, not growing on the leftovers that I need to dispose of. My kitchen nightlight. Its one of those scented tart warmer things you plug in and it melts the smelly wax and makes everything fragrant and yummy. Its a pretty green glass mosaic that my mother gave me not too long ago. I had been eyeing hers and I think she feared for its disappearance so she got me one of my own.
Currently my warmer light is gently wafting the cozy smell of gingerbread in to the room. I love that smell. So warm, homey, delicious and...well... cozy. That may seem odd but it gives me the feeling of wrapping up in a soft blanket with cookie in hand and hot chocolate nearby while a good movie plays on the television. Snuggled up with someone I love nearby. Cozy.
Its funny how a smell can bring that much to a persons mind and senses. I can feel the blanket, almost taste the cookie and anticipate the smooth warmth of the chocolate as is slides down my throat.
That, my friends, is peace.
I wonder if there is turkey sandwich scented wax?
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